Monday, 24 October 2011


Sunday, 23 October 2011


The weather is steadily getting colder here, and snow is deemed a possibility next saturday! It is the first time I have experienced fall and I think it is beautiful. The track I have been running on has become one of my favourite places, the trees and the sunset together show off some very beautiful colours. I am enjoying the crisp weather, I just don't like it when it rains allll day. Richard left on Thursday so this has been the first weekend without him for a while. myself, and the rest of the girls have been rather lazy for the past couple of weekends as training is really catching up on us. We are getting very tired but thankfully next week is somewhat lighter. The acts for our show are looking fantastic, and the new music for our act is amazing, exactly what we had hoped for and more. The artistic classes have remained the same, but I am still loving them, especially acting where I am finding it easier and easier to open up and have fun whilst learning so much about myself. I have been a good girl and continued my running which I am becoming more and more fond of as it gets slightly easier. This week I fac the challenge of having to cook for myself... while Rich was here I was very spoilt with amazing meals each night but now I have ot fend for myself. This is good though because I need to learn to cook and shop for each week. I find grocery shopping for dinners especially challenging but I will work it out! Christmas break has been a widely talked about thing within our cast these past few weeks. Everyone is really looking forward to going home and seeing there families. I found this hard to cope with as I am unable to visit home until next year, but going to England will still be great and I am very excited about it. Sensing our growing home sickness our coach Stacey has been planning a big thanksgiving feast for us in a couple of weeks. I am really looking forward to this. I am missing everyone at home so much, and I am also really missing Perth in general, especially as the weather there is warming up.

Friday, 7 October 2011

A sunny day!

Last weekend brought me the coldest weather I have ever experienced and it is only fall! On Saturday and Sunday the weather remained around 7 degrees which no Winter in Australia could have prepared me for. Of course, it can drop lower in Perth but the winds here make it feel freezing... and the sad thing is... Winter hasn't even started! However, today the first day of the Thanksgiving long weekend brought sunny weather so Richard and myself went to China town to make the most of it. We had a big dim sum lunch which was really nice. Training this week and last week has been very good, but a long weekend could not have come at a better time, we all needed a little rest. The creation period has officially taken off and dances, acrobatics, costumes and acts are slowly but surely taking shape. The C2012 cast is made up of many beautiful people, who are mostly older and more experienced with circus so I have lots to learn. I didn't update my blog last weekend but I have some cool things I wanted to share. Firstly, Cirque artists and employees were given free tickets to the Michael Jackson Immortal Tour premier. The show was by no means a traditional Cirque du Soleil show, it was more like a concert minus the main star. I found it difficult to appreciate just how talented the dancers were as there was so much else going on, with all the lighting and video footage. However it was a spectacle and it was very entertaining, but traditional Cirque shows are definitely better in my opinion. Some of us also went to the World Press Photo Exhibition in Old Montreal. I really enjoyed this exhibition and I was happy to catch it the day it closed. It was a collection of the 'best of' photo journalism projects from around the world. Many of the photos were shocking but very,very interesting at the same time. Here are some photos...